6 Prenatal Exercises to Help You Prepare for Birth

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In late pregnancy, your body will begin to show signs that it is time for your baby to be born through labor and delivery. Even though every birth is unique, prenatal exercises and adequate preparation can help you feel more confident when you go into labor and help your birthing experience go as smoothly as possible.  As you prepare for birth, you should consult a healthcare professional every step of the way and prepare as much as possible for the new addition to your family.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes and Treatment

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Are you at a higher risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome ?  Have you ever suffered arthritis? Do you have high blood pressure or diabetes? Is your job involved repetitive wrist movement, include manufacturing, assembly line work, keyboarding occupations, and construction work?  In this article we will talk about causes and treatments of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Great Exercise During Pregnancy: Pregnant Yoga

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You probably already know that staying active while pregnant can have all kinds of great benefits for you and your baby. Besides pregnant stretches, prenatal yoga is a great way to get physically stronger and emotionally healthier during pregnancy. Even if you’ve never done yoga before, the modified moves taught in prenatal yoga are both safe and beneficial to expectant moms. Plus, women with difficult pregnancies may find comfort in yoga’s gentle motions and breathing.

Baby Massage: Tips and Step-by-Step Guide

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Baby massage is a lovely way to soothe, calm your baby. It can boosts their immune systems, helps foster muscle development and reduces their stress. It’s a wonderful way to bond with your little one and create a relaxing environment for both of you.  Here are some baby massage tips and techniques to help you prepare to safely and gently massage your baby, while making sure the moment means more.

12 Ways to Prevent Back Pain

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Back pain takes various forms, sometimes it results from a sprain or arthritis, and sometimes it can be the result of trauma, such as a fall or a car accident.  But most often back pain is the result of an everyday activity done incorrectly — activities as common as twisting to reach or lift an object, sitting at a computer in the same position for hours, bending over to vacuum, and carrying shopping bags. The good news is that it isn’t all that difficult to prevent back pain, simple self-help strategies such as these can be surprisingly effective to prevent back pain and keep it from returning.

Baby Sleep Training: Help Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night

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During the early days of life with a newborn, you’re focused on what’s best for the baby, so sleepless nights seem like a small price to pay. Until about week six, that is, when waking up every few hours should start to get old. If your baby is 6 months or older and is still a night owl, it’s time to get some tips to get your baby to sleep, and consider a baby sleep training program. And even if you have a young infant, it’s never too early to teach smart sleep skills.

Ankle Fractures

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Ankle injuries are defined by the kind of tissue — bone, ligament, or tendon — that is damaged. The ankle is where three bones meet, the tibia and fibula of your lower leg with the talus of your foot.  Bones are held together at the ankle joint by ligaments, strong elastic bands of connective tissue that keep the bones in place while allowing normal ankle motion.  Tendons attach muscles to the bones to do the work of making the ankle and foot move, and help keep the joints stable.  In the previous article we have detailed ankle sprain treatments and causes. In this article we will talk about ankle fracture!

Exercising During Pregnancy: Pregnant Stretches

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Staying active while pregnant is extremely important both for you and for your baby.  Many exercises such as stretching and yoga may be safely performed throughout all nine months. Pregnant stretches, preferably in the morning and evening can have a variety of benefits.  Also it is important to discuss with your doctor before doing any pregnant stretches.

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